Osteopathy during pregnancy

Osteopaths spend a long time in their training understanding biomechanics and the relationships between different structures and how they influence each other, whether they be organs, joints, muscles, connective tissues blood or lymphatics. This makes the osteopathic model of treating the whole person particularly suited towards pregnancy, as the influence that all these structures have on each other is rarely more apparent in the normal life cycle than in pregnancy. 

This allows the osteopath to not only diagnose the specific complaint, but to understand the intricacies of how it came about and which structures were involved to bring one area under particular stress or strain leading to pain. In this way the osteopath can then treat all the related areas to help resolve the particular stress that your body is experiencing. 

Back or pelvic pain in pregnancy is so common, reportedly up to 75%, that some obstetricians consider it normal. Osteopaths, however, do not.  Many of the consultant obstetricians we have spoken to, and who regularly refer patients to us, have recognised the benefit of sending women early in their pregnancy for osteopathic assessment so that we can work with you to avoid many of the strain patterns and pain you may experience during pregnancy. Osteopaths do this through careful treatment, advice and specific exercises. 

Osteopaths consider their role as complementary to the midwife and obstetrician in the management of the pregnancy and will, where necessary, discuss their findings and treatment plans with the medical team to help you manage the pregnancy and delivery appropriately and with the least intervention necessary. 

Is osteopathy safe and regulated?

What will the osteopath do in treatment?


Call 021 877 669 to make, or change, your appointment. 

Please be aware that we need a minimum of 24 hours notice to cancel or move an appointment, otherwise the full fee may be payable.